Along with the birds and squirrels, visits from giant bugs and spiders, lizards, raccoons, panthers, snakes, turtles and wild hogs, as well as, occasional horses and cows that escape neighborhood fences, should be an expected part of life. Yet, these visits are always startling and make the hair stand on end and the senses react. Such was the case the other day when an alligator made an appearance. The first thought was the safety of my little dog and a mental note to add "gator" to the list of animals to scan the horizon for before going outside. The second thought was "get the camera".
Funny how a sudden encounter with the unexpected can change perspective. Alligators are part of the landscape, but since they hadn't made an appearance until the other day no thought was given to their presence. Now, however, they are in the forefront of thoughts each time the door is opened. I wonder if that is how it is with God sometimes - using the unexpected ... hardship, illness, loss, tragedy ... to bring Him to the forefront of our thoughts instead of life's routines.
What a wonderful insight to a visit like this. Wish I could have been there! :-)