Wednesday, February 25, 2009

CWG Conference Day Three

I began day three asking God for guidance (I found out later that Belinda had also been praying for me). For added encouragement, I visualized a note on my bulletin board at home - 18 publishers had turned down Jonathan Livingston Seagull before it was published - once published, it sold more than seven million copies in the United States in five years.

Saturday breakfast was very enjoyable talking to Carla from New Hampshire. I found her life story intriguing and thought it would make a great book. My first appointment was with another editor. He first explained why I needed an agent to promote my book. Then, after I read the first page of my book out loud to him, he challenged me to go back and put my own fears in dealing with the demonic side into the main character and the plot – there are the 20,000 words I need. I also met with an agent who was very kind and even though she did not represent “supernatural thriller” authors, she recommended two she would trust.

A handsome young man across the table from me at lunch was kind enough to point out the string of sauce a waiter had poured on my jacket. We were also at the same dinner table and I was able to ask him about continuing on with the Guild, choosing an agent, etc. Although Nick is much younger, he is also much wiser about this side of writing - I thanked him and look forward to reading his book when published.

Funny how God works sometimes - Belinda and I were both in “brain freeze” mode by the time this last meal with an editor came and we’d decided to sit at a table without an agent or editor. Apparently we were not the only ones - those tables were full. As it turned out, the editor at the table where we found empty seats was the very best. She was engaging, funny, and open to looking at everyone’s proposal - yes, even mine! She was also honest enough to tell us she would know if we had a viable book after looking at the first three chapters. We would hear back immediately if she wanted to move forward so we must have a complete manuscript ready and polished before we emailed her the first three chapters.

McNair Wilson, author and former Disney Imagineer, was the speaker for the night and I laughed until I cried. Yet, his message contained valuable words of wisdom I’ve since pasted on my computer: take risks, challenge assumptions, stay curious, and see differently.

Day three ended – encouraged, hopeful, and optimistic once more. God is good.

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